Ripple Effect

The enthusiasm and vim with which I entered the shopping mall last Saturday had slowly diminished as I walked out of the fitting room for the third time without finding the white dress I had envisioned.  It was now or never, I had to get the dress for an all white event I was attending.

As I exited one store and stepped on the escalator to go to another,  I checked the time on my phone and was shocked to see that I had been rummaging through isles of dresses for almost three hours. I was tired, my stomach rumbling, as I had left directly from work and hadn’t eaten.  I made a mental note that this would be my last stop, as I entered this store.

I made my way to the women’s section and was greeted by a very bubbly employee, who later introduced herself as Maddy. She enquired of my needs in a very professional manner, and proceeded to help me find this elusive white dress.  We went through a batch, finding two that I really liked, then threw in a few others just in case those didn’t fit. I realized Maddy was a special employee when she took the dresses off my arm and said “I’ll take these for you”. She took them to the rest room, told me she would be outside if I needed anything. She went back and forth changing sizes, undoing zippers and stayed with me until I found a dress that I liked and fitted well. I thanked her and told her I was very impressed with the service she offered. I asked to speak with her manger, as I firmly believe that great service should be recognized. Unfortunately, her manager had left early, so she gave me a customer comment card to complete instead.

I walked out that store, with a smile on my face, not just because I had gotten the dress, but because I realized that in a world where people are giving the least and expecting the most in return, all’s not lost, there are still some who dare to be different, some who dare to care.

I went to work on Monday and shared my experience with my co-workers and vowed to be the difference I look for in this world. Later that morning when a customer said to me  “you are so nice, your kindness gives me chills,” I smiled and said thank you, because I knew how it felt to be on the recipient of kindness.

My charge to you today, is to give a smile, lend a helping hand, hug someone, encourage someone and start a ripple effect!

“Doing good holds the power to transform us on the inside, and then ripple out in ever-expanding circles that positively impact the world at large.” – Shari Arison

Be Inspired!





2 thoughts on “Ripple Effect

  1. It surely is a wonderful feeling to be on the receiving end of kindness. With that in mind, I’ll certainly make a concerted effort to show kindness more frequently so I can have that positive impact on the lives of others.

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